Pt. 11 - Nations of The World / Refugees From Canaan / Moors, Phoenicians, Moabites, Canaanites

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In this video we will Discuss the information contained in the books: “The Circle 7 Koran” by Drew Ali As well as read from “Procopius of Caesarea and the Girgashite Diaspora” and as well as from the book: “The Wars of Justinian” by Prokopios as well as from “The.Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary,” we will also read from the article “ Origin of the berber Tribal Confederation of sanhadja” as well as from the book “ The History of the Moors of Spain” by Jean Pierre Claris and M Florian, We will also read from the “Encyclopedia Brittanica” Volume 18 (Medal to Mumps) 1911,
We will also correlate the Mesha Stele or Moabite Stone with the information and bible Verses which have been proven to be real historic events by archeological finds.

Hope you enjoy

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